Nela Records

Bulat Video View Campaign

I decided to put my money where my mouth is and run a Video View campaign for one of my videos… YIKES! The idea was simple, to perform a song live to a backing track the way I usually do as a live streamer only to take the production to the next level (add another iPhone hehe). I recorded and released this cover of All Along The Watchtower and ran this campaign after the release, here are the results!
Now that we have a large pool of people who really liked the video (watched 75% of it), we can retarget them with ads to listen to the song on Spotify or to download the song and that’s just the start! The longer your listeners know you, the less expensive the marketing becomes, this is only the introductory stage. Make sure your website is optimized with sign up button, song downloads, merch etc. You’ve worked so hard to get here, now reap the rewards!